Connecting Data, People and Ideas since 2016.
07 November 2018

Building a production-ready, graph-based enterprise application in the cloud

CELUM set out to develop its own reactive graph driven architecture to provide the best user experience for Hear our story on how we ventured into the areas of Graph Databases, Data Modelling as well as Reactive Programming and melted them into a graph-centred reactive architecture.


We put it to the test and built our production-ready cloud-based enterprise application atop it. Learn about lofty goals and unexpected surprises that we managed to turn into happy endings. Building upon our experiences will become your edge once you develop your own graph-centric cloud application.


The unique aspects presented are a type-safe query language atop Gremlin available within back-end and front-end, our inheritance-aware data model and the seamless streaming of graph data to the front-end as it becomes available.


Finally, drawing upon these capabilities, we look at Live Queries that notify clients when query results become stale and thus both improve the UX and reduce the system load.



Rainer Pichler


Software Architect, CELUM









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