My career journey began as an integrated circuit designer for high-speed memory chips, then moved to technology transfer manager, adult education instructor and supervisor, computer science PhD student & adjunct instructor, visiting professor, technical writer, intellectual property manager, software release manager, software product manager, and now product strategist and head of developer relations. Through it all, I have found that good communication skills, in verbal and written form, and for a range of audiences and situations, has been as important as my technical knowledge.
Academic: Teaching at the university level for 8 years. Research in data mining in complex networks, especially from a social network perspective. Taught courses in computer architecture, database design, and programming.Managerial: Managed teams in both the commercial and education sectors.
13 years experience in high-performance semiconductor circuit design, primarily digital logic. Involved with all phases of development process: product definition and architecture, design, simulation, layout, testing.