Linked Data as Critical Infrastructure
Pragmatic Semantics at Web Scale
Building, and communicating, a knowledge graph in Zalando
Building an open metadata and governance ecosystem Linked Data's Gateway Drug
GraphQL and its schema as a universal layer for database access
Knowledge graphs, meet Deep Learning
Data Science is More than just Statistics
Powering Graph Data with Reasoning and Visual Analytics: Examples from Industry
Supporting GDPR Compliance by effectively governing Data Lineage Data Provenance
Building a production-ready, graph-based enterprise application in the cloud
RDF Data Quality Assessment - connecting the pieces
Building materialised views for linked data systems using microservices
SHACL-based data life cycle management
Enabling the Next-Generation of Intelligent Applications
Graphs in space: a guide to visualizing geospatial networks
Scaling up business value with real-time operational graph analytics
Graph intelligence: the future of data-driven investigations
Analytics on Big Knowledge Graphs deliver entity awareness and help data linking
Building knowledge graphs in the real world
Metadata for data governance – what’s Linked Data’s role?
AI tribes and interconnections: what's graph got to do with it?